That’s why I’ve decided to offer a low-budget editing service for students.

I want to provide an affordable service to people who may be inexperienced with essay writing, struggling to get help from their teachers, or just needing some feedback from a fellow writer.

Whether you’re working on creative projects like fiction, non-fiction, and scripts or an academic essay, get in touch if you need a hand. I will examine your work and provide detailed suggestions for improvement. I won’t make any changes to the work for you (that’s cheating), but I will talk you through the changes I’ve suggested and hopefully help you fine-tune your work in time for your deadlines.

What’s the Cost?

My current price is £5 per 1000 words.

If you wish to book a 1-to-1 video chat to workshop your writing there is an additional £5 cost per half an hour slot.

These prices may be subject to change in the future.

I’m a university student studying creative writing, and one of the issues I’ve noticed while studying for my degree is a lack of feedback on written work.

Lecturers and professors, understandably, only have so much time in the day to help everyone. This often means students don’t get as much feedback, proofreading, and suggestions for improvement on their work as they would like.

Before you reach out, please read below!

Although I am offering editing and feedback, please bear in mind that I am not a professional! I have learnt some valuable editing and analytic skills in my degree thus far, but I, too, am still learning. That is why I am offering my service for low prices to the student demographic. Individuals who aren’t students are welcome to contact me for my services, but my work is not a substitute for professional editing. This is a budget-friendly service for those looking for help with their studies!

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